This August my old label mates the Lucksmiths are playing their last shows ever. It’s thrown up a lot of memories of episodes throughout my whole musical life. I saw them first at the Punters Club in Melbourne when their singer Tali was still a dreadlocked hippy. They only had a cassette for sale so i bought that and played it till I’d worn off the magnetic coating. Since then a friendship and record label was forged that had us touring and playing many shows together over the years.

I was sad to hear they’ve decided to finish up. I’d planned to not play so much this year but couldn’t give up the opportunity to be a part of some shows with my friends before this happens.

I’m happy though to add that these will be the first shows I’ve played with Bree Van Reyk in over 2 years. We’ll do em as a duo (except in Hobart I’ll be solo)

Here are the dates:

Friday 21st
Sydney, NSW
Factory Theatre

Saturday 22nd
Canberra, ACT

Sunday 23rd
Brisbane, QLD
the Zoo

Thursday 27th
Hobart, TAS
Brisbane Hotel

Saturday 29th
Melbourne, VIC
Corner Hotel (SOLD OUT)

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